Sunday, September 15, 2024

Charities, Management Salary (My opinion)

 I have donated to various charities over the years and after seeing articles about questionable practices at a few I decided to look into different ones.  My search took me to which has various information that you can review in order to make a better decision about which charity you send money.  During my review of numerous charities, I made a decision to reduce the number that I felt were qualified to receive my money.  There are charities with good purposes, but it seems most are just not using the donations for the purpose.  It appears they have turned into a money pot for management and their own self-enrichment.  I have 15 on my list that I will no longer make a donation due to the CEO or senior management individual receiving at least $200K.  That is 200 thousand dollars!  The range is $200K to just over $4,000,000.  That is 4 million dollars.  That one, as of 9-15-24, is the American Heart Association per information on  If you want to check your charity before you give money, then check that site.  I have requested numerous ones to remove my name and address from their mailing lists until they reduce salaries.  In my opinion charities are completely out of control and congress should consider some action, but that is unlikely with their income from taxpayers who have no say in their income. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

America Manipulated (My Opinion)

 America Stop Being Manipulated

Attention American citizens, stop allowing the media, business, and politicians to manipulate you and feed you incorrect information and utilize sociological means to get you to vote the way they want, buy what they want you to buy, watch what they want you to watch, and live your life their way!  Start investigating everything on your own and make your own decisions!  It is not that difficult so start being real human beings and live your life the way you prefer to live!  The media does this by ads convincing you to go to your doctor and ask for certain drugs that have serious side effects including death!  The media produces movies that try to manipulate your thinking so keep that in mind and just enjoy what you really enjoy.  Business does it by collecting data on your buying habits and other habits to manipulate your life in various ways.  Politicians don't have your best interest at heart or they would pass laws to protect you and see that government agencies like the FDA protect your food and don't allow drug companies to take advantage of you!  These are only a few things that just scratch the surface of how your life is being taken away from you!  Wake up and take control of life in general!!  Start by demanding Congress change their salaries and benefits and implement one term limits!  Salaries should not be more than the average salary in America and same with benefits!  If that amount increases then they can have an increase!  If they can't accomplish anything in one term then they don't deserve to be there in the first place.  Take money out of politics!  No more PAC funds.  People running for office would receive the same amount from a general fund and no more!  This would be a start, but it will take you, the people, to make it happen!  Vote them out of office and vote someone in who will do what you prefer or get together and run your own choice.  Demand change.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Drug Company Ads (My Opinion)

Drug companies are completely out of control and Congress and the appropriate agency should enforce truth in advertising!  Ads are rampant on tv with what would appear to be false and misleading statements and not providing in an obvious manner the dangers of drugs including death.  Why does the appropriate agency not enforce the law?  Example, one drug company states 99% of people over 50 have the virus to cause shingles.  Can they prove that fact?  Have them provide the numbers and facts to support that statement!  It would seem to be impossible for them to have tested 100% of people to prove 99% of people over 50 have the virus!  Do members of Congress own too much drug stock or is there another reason for this situation? Stop drug company ads on tv and let doctors determine if someone needs drugs and enforce laws if any corruption.  Also stop lawyers' ads on tv even though members of Congress would fight this since most are lawyers.  Also cut members of Congress salaries so equal to the average income in America and only increase when average income increases!    

US Media and Destruction of America (My opinion)

The media in the US seems to be the real enemy of America!  The media seems to be responsible for the majority of the issues in America by the ways they report events and the way they try to sway the America public.  The media will beat a story to death and keep repeating stories just to make dollars from ads.  They will pull stories from the past and rehash them on an anniversary date even though this will cause possible harm to victims and the public.  The public would be 1000% better off if the media in general would serve the public with just reporting the news in an unbiased manner.     

US Judicial System (MyOpinion)

The apparently corrupt judicial system in the US needs to be revamped from top to bottom!  Every day Americans see something go wrong with cases from local courts up to the high courts.  The US Congress needs to take the necessary steps to correct this situation in areas of requirements and corruption.  Write laws that can be enforced related to the qualifications of judges and reviews of their ability to perform the job in the necessary manner. 

US Border - Stop the Madness! (My Opinion)

It is past time for the United States to close the border in all locations.  Stop the madness!  Nobody should be allowed to enter the US by any means unless they have completed all necessary documentation and been approved for citizenship and understand and speak English.  There should not be any circumstances to allow any way around this requirement.