Saturday, July 6, 2024

Drug Company Ads (My Opinion)

Drug companies are completely out of control and Congress and the appropriate agency should enforce truth in advertising!  Ads are rampant on tv with what would appear to be false and misleading statements and not providing in an obvious manner the dangers of drugs including death.  Why does the appropriate agency not enforce the law?  Example, one drug company states 99% of people over 50 have the virus to cause shingles.  Can they prove that fact?  Have them provide the numbers and facts to support that statement!  It would seem to be impossible for them to have tested 100% of people to prove 99% of people over 50 have the virus!  Do members of Congress own too much drug stock or is there another reason for this situation? Stop drug company ads on tv and let doctors determine if someone needs drugs and enforce laws if any corruption.  Also stop lawyers' ads on tv even though members of Congress would fight this since most are lawyers.  Also cut members of Congress salaries so equal to the average income in America and only increase when average income increases!    

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