Tuesday, July 30, 2024

America Manipulated (My Opinion)

 America Stop Being Manipulated

Attention American citizens, stop allowing the media, business, and politicians to manipulate you and feed you incorrect information and utilize sociological means to get you to vote the way they want, buy what they want you to buy, watch what they want you to watch, and live your life their way!  Start investigating everything on your own and make your own decisions!  It is not that difficult so start being real human beings and live your life the way you prefer to live!  The media does this by ads convincing you to go to your doctor and ask for certain drugs that have serious side effects including death!  The media produces movies that try to manipulate your thinking so keep that in mind and just enjoy what you really enjoy.  Business does it by collecting data on your buying habits and other habits to manipulate your life in various ways.  Politicians don't have your best interest at heart or they would pass laws to protect you and see that government agencies like the FDA protect your food and don't allow drug companies to take advantage of you!  These are only a few things that just scratch the surface of how your life is being taken away from you!  Wake up and take control of life in general!!  Start by demanding Congress change their salaries and benefits and implement one term limits!  Salaries should not be more than the average salary in America and same with benefits!  If that amount increases then they can have an increase!  If they can't accomplish anything in one term then they don't deserve to be there in the first place.  Take money out of politics!  No more PAC funds.  People running for office would receive the same amount from a general fund and no more!  This would be a start, but it will take you, the people, to make it happen!  Vote them out of office and vote someone in who will do what you prefer or get together and run your own choice.  Demand change.

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