Wednesday, June 21, 2023

U. S. House of Representatives

The chaos that erupted in the House June 21, 2023 is an example of how the Democrats act in a disgusting manner when they don't get their way.  Like a bunch of rowdy spoiled kids who need to be sent to their rooms!  The ultra-liberal Democrats cannot stand it when someone disagrees with their view.  They think they have a right to brow beat the rest of the people and make everyone agree to their point of view.  In this instance, the majority rules!

Remember Democrats, there is at least half, if not more than half, of the country that disagrees with you!

Also remember it is being proved that you have been living on lies for a number of years and it will bite you in the rear!


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Government Spending & Politician's Donors

I just noticed an article where The U.S. Senate approved extending $14 billion in aid to Ukraine!

The situation there is outrageous, but $14 billion?  I am a U. S. citizen, and I could use some of the money our government passes out for a new house, a car, and living expenses in this difficult time in history!

I also saw where Donald Trump is asking for donors to buy him a new plane!  I would like one too!

Laws should be changed to prevent donors from giving politicians anything!!    


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Waste in US Government

 The CAGW (Citizens Against Government Waste) reports on government waste related to pork-barrel spending by members of Congress. Each year this type of information makes the news in various formats. You have to wonder how government officials can read this information and continue to ignore calls from the public for reform in the way they handle money that actually belongs to the taxpayer. Have they become so lost in their lifestyle that their sense of responsibility has vanished? There are also reports that mention waste in various government agencies and departments. Employees utilizing credit cards for personal use or just plain ridiculous spending that should not be approved in any format seem to be rampant. Where is responsible management in these cases? Are there no controls in effect to monitor excess spending or rogue employees? There is so much that needs to be done in America and could be done with the wasted funds. Try balancing the budget and applying those funds to various worthwhile projects or healthcare. Maybe the President could make an effort at addressing this matter by appointing someone with the necessary vision and intelligence to a position with the authority to correct this situation. This could begin by eliminating a number of unnecessary positions within the inflated government. The President’s authority may be limited, but the public needs to demand action from Congress and the President along with voting those undesirable individuals out of office. There is so much that can be done to make this great country better and now is the time to move in that direction.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Social Security

The social security system is broken.  There can be simple changes such as raising the cap so the wealthy pay more into the American system that made them wealthy. This includes the political establishment making an income that dwarfs the average individual income in this country. Yes, they may complain, but the tremendous growth in the gap between the wealthy and the other class of people in this country demands that action be taken to correct the situation. The number of people in this country that will depend on that small income is growing at a rapid rate and will not decrease due to numerous problems in society today including the way the business world no longer takes an interest in employees and their future. Loyalty to and pride in the real individuals that make companies successful disappeared long ago and shows no indication of returning to the workplace. Then there is the corruption factor where benefits are being paid to individuals that have no right to those benefits. The time is now to address the numerous problems.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Coronavirus 2019/2020

The coronavirus is a nightmare for the world right now and has created a lot of fear. Below you will find links with info to review about protecting yourself if you haven't already seen too much about this virus.
Remember wash hands after touching mail or money. If you are one of the people saying there is too much info then don't read it or wake up since it is a virus easily spread that has no cure at the present time.
The World Health Organization has officially given the coronavirus its English name, calling the disease - COVID-19. The name designation refers to COVI for the acronym of coronavirus, D for the word disease, and 19 for the year of the outbreak.
The WHO said it needed to find a name that “does not involve geographical location, animals, individuals or people, which should be easy to pronounce and associated with the disease” while also preventing inaccuracies and stigmatisms. The name COVID-19 could also be used as a standard format in any future outbreaks of the disease, the agency said.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sarah Sanders

Sarah Sanders and her decision to step down as press secretary is her own decision and the liberal press should shut up and crawl in their hole and pull the dirt over them.  This administration has been dogged by the liberal press since the beginning and it is disgusting.
The liberal press seems to feel they have the right to conduct their own campaign to influence the public and force the public to vote the liberal way.  This is America and the press should publish the truth and nothing more!
The American public, I hope, has some form of intelligence to see through the press and make a decision based on the facts and not a slanted opinion.
I hope Sarah Sanders has a chance to obtain a position that pays her a great income and a chance to express her views and I hope the next press secretary shows the same spirit.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Laguna Beach police cars & American Flag

I noticed an article today about some people complaining about the new paint job on police cars in Laguna Beach, CA. The paint job includes the "American Flag". The individuals doing this complaining should pack up and leave or find some American spirit. This is America, if you don't like America then why are you in America. Notice to the Laguna Beach government, leave the paint as is or maybe even make it bigger!